Monaghan Sports Partnership included in the Sport Ireland Local Sports Partnership Annual Report
Monaghan Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) featured in the Annual Report 2019 published by Sport Ireland today.
The report outlines the work of the LSP network across the country and highlights innovative programmes and initiatives that are operated locally.
Monaghan Sports Partnership works with trusted professionals and valued volunteers to engage with communities across county Monaghan to deliver inclusive, impactful and sustainable programmes and initiatives. These opportunities are tailored to local needs and aim to get people more physically active, involved in sport and improve the mental and physical health of the county.
Nationwide over €22 million was invested in the network of Local Sports Partnerships by Sport Ireland, Local Authorities and partner organisations in 2019 with over half a million people across communities in Ireland taking part in LSP sport and physical activity opportunities.
In 2019:
- MSP provided over 200 sports clubs, groups and organisations throughout the county with important information and advice in the area of funding opportunities and activity programmes,
- MSP planned and delivered 25 training and education courses, workshops and seminars with partner agencies in Safeguarding, First Aid, Disability Awareness and Sports Leadership
- MSP delivered a wide and varied range of activity programmes for those aged 50+ years, with over 800 people accessing our activity programmes at 19 locations across the county.
- MSP delivered RTE’s Operation Transformation walks locally at three separate locations with over 300 people of all ages and abilities coming together and taking part.
- MSP organised a number of events across the county as part of National Bike Week 2019, with over 700 children taking part in the events.
- MSP initiated Women in Sport programmes in 2019 where we had over 70 women taking part in activities across county Monaghan.
- MSP continued to strengthen links with local primary schools across county Monaghan where in 2019, MSP facilitated activities and training with 34 schools participating and over 1000 children taking part in activities and 18 teachers availing of training.
- MSP delivered activities and training in 15 pre-school services where over 800 children took part.
- MSP facilitated 16 Inclusive sports and physical activity programmes in 2019, where over 300 participants got to take part in many new and diverse activities.
Speaking at the launch of the LSP Annual Report, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Brendan Griffin TD said: “It is clear from the figures in the Annual Report that the Local Sports Partnership network has a positive impact in communities, especially for target groups who are often less represented. The Government’s new Covid 19 funding support package will ensure the survival of our vibrant sport sector, particularly the many clubs in local communities throughout the country. It is heartening to see that so many people have recognised the importance of staying active during the crisis. It is important to thank everyone involved in the LSP network for keeping programmes going. We must now seize the opportunity to secure a lasting improvement in the health and wellbeing of our nation by encouraging people to stay involved in sport. I want to acknowledge the contribution of sports volunteers, not just for everything they have done during this public health crisis but for what they do all year round. We will continue to support their growth and provide every opportunity to sustain their ongoing involvement.”
Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, said: “The Sport Ireland Statement of Strategy 2018-2022 highlights the “significant potential contribution that sport can make to enhance quality of life, and tackle many societal and environmental challenges” and the LSP network has placed themselves at the forefront of this journey towards lifelong and inclusive sport for all. I would like to thank all the agencies, groups and individuals who have contributed to this report and also to all the staff and volunteers who were involved in the delivery of the programmes and projects at local level”.
Michelle Murphy, coordinator of Monaghan Sports Partnership said: Monaghan Sports Partnership welcomes the 2019 Annual Report for Local Sports Partnerships and the continued support of Sport Ireland and Monaghan County Council in supporting our programmes of activity. The report showcases the best of the Local Sports Partnership network in reaching out to various targeted groups in our Communities and we strive to continue to be a conduit for the promotion of Sport and Physical Activity in our County.
The full 2019 LSP Annual Report can be viewed here:
2019 LSP Annual Report Highlights:
- 29 Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs)
- 466,380 people participated in 1,427 locally delivered participation initiatives
- 94,270 additional participants took part in interventions supported by the LSP network
- 51% of participants in LSP programmes were female – 163,608 girls and 74,526 women
- 37,711 females took part in 205 specific Women in Sport initiatives
- 14,929 participants took part in initiatives targeting Older Adults
- 24,387 people with a disability took part in LSP initiatives
- 24,488 people took part in operation transformation 5k Fun Run and Nationwide Walks
- 2,200 Clubs/Groups were provided with funding supports by LSPs
- LSPs planned and delivered 399 training and education courses with 29,991 people participating on these training courses
- 10,398 Sports Leaders and Volunteers completed 6,896 Safeguarding Courses
- All 29 LSPs were supported with Community Sports Development Officer & Sports Inclusion Disability Officer positions
- 1,214,746 visits to LSP Websites in 2019
- 152,662 social media followers across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- 110,196 people took part in 808 local events registered across Ireland for the European Week of Sport through the Sport Ireland website
- Over 47,000 people took part in the flagship events during European Week of Sport, which included the Great Dublin Bike Ride, European School Sports Day and National Fitness Day
- Over €22m was invested in the LSP network nationwide
Further Information:
Monaghan Sports Partnership
Ballybay Civic Centre
Main St. Ballybay
Co. Monaghan